January 18, 2025

During the days when the wedding is approaching, everything is exciting, happy and good. The preparation can be stressful for the couple, but because the wonderful end goal is soon to be, the stress is deferred differently than on a normal day.

Wedding planning can enhance the quality of the couple’s relationship, but it’s not until after the wedding that the true caliber of companionship is revealed. Once the honeymoon phase is over, it;s time to start living in the real world.

Actual compatibility is tested right away as they move in together and must consolidate furniture, kitchen supplies etc. During the wedding ceremony, 2 lives become one but after the ceremony, 2 lives plus all the belongings become one!

Here are a few tips that you’ll fin repeated several times on the web that encourage the couple to take a slower approach to building the relationship to make sure the marriage lasts!

Consider Yourself – but not in the Way you Think!

A popular article was recently published on Secrets for a Good Marriage  and it really sums it all up. One of the interesting points it mentions is to put yourself first. This seems like contradictory advice, but the reality is that too many people focus all their energy on 1 person – the partners and forget that a relationship is a compromise between two people.

You must make sure you’re taken care of too. One of the most common reasons for divorce is that a one person gives too much of themselves while the partner takes advantage. We’re taught to be nice and submit to our partners, but the reality is this advice doesn’t work. You need to make sure that both partners are equal and focusing on making sure each partner is happy is worth all the therapy in the world!

The article published by Pierre Blake offers great tips from a professional sex therapist with 30 years of counseling work behind him. These tips are brief; you appreciate this approach because it’s like small advice nuggets you can print on a Post-it note and stick to your fridge.

The Spiritual Connection

Little reminders about ways to make your marriage stronger in daily life. One of the great points that we don’t often see as much on the internet is to share spirituality. Sharing faith and hope and directing each other into a common life goal is an excellent idea to pursue the spiritual aspect of the relationship.

This is one often overlooked as we try to ficus so much on the bedroom and communication. The spiritual realm is an excellent one to try. Even if you’re not religious, attending a non-denominational church together is a lovely way to deepen your spiritual bond.

The final point is to search the web for articles on how to have a happy marriage. There are thousands of pages to read through, and you’ll often see the same points repeated; these are very important points, but other times, you’ll notice new ones that are sources of inspiration when you’re newly married and looking to establish a long-term loving marriage. ‘Till death do us part!

Postpartum Health and your Marriage

After you’ve started your family – be prepared for a big shift in the marriage dynamic. It is no longer about you and your spouse – this tiny human you’ve created will fill in all the gaps. This is a great time of stress for newlyweds, especially those who have not yet had a chance to deepen their intimate bind.

Make sure not to ignore your sexual health, it’s essential to keep passion and romance well and string in your marriage. I don’t mean actual sex, as the body needs plenty of time to recover, but foreplay, intimacy, and sharing your bodily pleasures do not need to involve actual penetration. The point is not to ignore your physical desires for each other during this time.

Communication is Key

When a couple needs to seek a counselor or therapist, it’s often because if a breakdown in communication. Tension and animosity builds up all too easily when the couple fails to communicate.

The issue arises when each person develops through in their own mind about what the other person is thinking – this is a slippery lope because so often we mis-interpret what your partner really wants or what they are thinking. Talk it out! It’s so important to share what you’re really feeling in an objective way.

Don’t be confrontational, be open and diplomatic when bringing up issues that may bother you. Try to talk it out – then you’ll be assures a happy marriage because you have no unspoken expectations from each other.